Notes from October 16, 2018 meeting
- Steve Holland, Iowa State
- Matt Cherry AFRL
- Zhong Ouyang PW
- Pradip Ramuhalli, PNNL
- Emily Guzas, NRL
- Mike Jackson, Blue Quartz
- Tim Harrell, Southhampton
- Erik Frankforter, NASA Langley
- Bill Schneck, NASA Langley
- Amanda Criner, AFRL
- Tyler Lesthaeghe, UDRI
- Vicki Cramb, UDRI
- Paul Wilcox, Bristol, UK
- Jared Taylor, Iowa State
Github web hosting seems OK. Steve will Register e.g. or similar
NDE modeling group:
NDE modeling site:
Question: NDE Modeling or data processing? Suggest: Organize models by tags, Start with defining tags, each model would have list of tags.
Amanda Criner volunteers to organize list of tags. Will send out a survey.
Some possible tags:
- #forwardmodel
- #inversemodel
- #ultrasonic
- #radiography
- #eddycurrent
Tags might identify possible inputs and outputs
How to post meeting minutes? email? github site? Start with email.
Post future meetings/telcons on site.
Thursday January 17th, 11ET/10CT/8PT for next meeting
Discussion of scope posted to website:
The scope of the working group is NDE modeling codes, tools, modeling infrastructure, and other NDE related software that is redistributable under an OSI-approved license. The scope also includes promotion and awareness of open-source software that is useful and relevant to the NDE modeling or NDE community, and the promotion of common file formats and interoperability.
No objections to scope
possible titles: nde-modeling (stick with it for the moment) nde-software
List NDE software of relevance to NDE community. Send links to Steve Holland also pictures for model web site.